Friday 12 January 2007

Oh well

The minus side. For a few hours yesterday I was the proud owner of a Canon 350D - until I realised it had been dropped at some point and the zoom on the lens was knackered. On the plus side, when I bought the thing I thought it was amazingly cheap - £350 with the kit lens - the prices on the internet were £450 - £600. While taking it back it emerged that the pricing had been done wrong in store - the price I paid was supposed to be for the body only !! So I got the lens for free and a replacement (the only one still on stock at any PCWorld store) should arrive in a couple of days.
I had intended to just post my first shots with the Canon, but since I don't have any, here's a taxi office.


talj said...

cool shot! sorry about your camera but hopefully you'll have great fun with it when it finally arrives! :o)

james_so said...

I ,i.really,/i. like this, the desat is perfect and the light trails make it very interesting.