Sunday, 8 April 2007

Night Shots

While I was taking these a Port Security van pulled up and a monkey in a uniform got out.
PS - Excuse me Sir, do you have a permit ?
Me - No.
PS - (sternly) You need a permit for taking pictures of the dock buildings.
Me - No I don't.
PS - (wisely) Yes you do.
Me - No I don't.
PS - (assertively) Yes you do.
Me - No I don't. I don't need a permit for taking pictures OF dock property. I need a permit for taking photos ON dock property. I am not on dock property. I am on a public road.
PS - You still need a permit.
Me - You're a fuckwit.
[I know the textbooks say that you shouldn't be confrontational but I find it helps sometimes and it's more fun.]
PS - Can I have your name please ?
Me - Can I have yours ?
[An exchange of names takes place. He ostentatiously makes a note of my registration number. I equally ostentatiously make a note of his.]
PS - So are you going to move ?
Me - No.
PS - I'll just call the police then shall I ?
Me - You're a fuckwit.
[I know it's not great repartee but there is something about this word - which I learned from Bridget Jones - which can be quite devestating.]
PS - I'll ring them.
Me - Can I take your photo ? Please. I really like your uniform, especially the really scruffy bits.
He gives up and goes back to his car. He drives off and parks in front of the building spoiling my shot. I realise that I have finished anyway but I don't want to go yet because it will look like he has scared me off. So I faff about taking a few more. I wave to him and ask him to say cheese. He doesn't. In the end I'm getting cold so I pack up and drive round and pull up next to him. I pass him a card through the window.
Me - I don't want you to think you've scared me off, so here's my card so you can contact me.
PS - I've just checked with control and you do need a permit.
Me - Do you want me to wait here for the police with you ?
PS - That won't be necessary.


talj said...

LOL I need to take you with me! On my last trip to the lakes I got up early and wandered down to a spot by Derwent Water where I managed to see a boat sitting on the shore all on its own! Perfect! The sun was shining, mist was floating across the water, lovely! Took a few shots...then....a man with a big camera bag decided to join me, setting his tripod up in the water and standing right in my way...being a woman, alone at 6am by a big expanse of water and lots of trees I decided not to say anything and quietly, but in a very upset way, packed up my gear and moved away...some people are so ignorant. Am thinking had you been there you'd have got rid of the nasty fella for me lol

Great starbursts in your shots btw! :o)

puzzled p said...

What a story! I would be too chicken to swear at the guy, but I love that you managed to do it :-) The only part of the story I didn't like was that he said you did need a permit at the end... wish he would've admitted it wasn't necessary. Now that I'm going to the US in a week, I'm getting a bit nervous about all these rules regarding where you can and cannot photograph. Here in Sweden, it's very relaxed and you never have to think about such things.

Nice night shots!